porn on the cob
My friend Sam Zimmerman had curated an amazing collection of truly bizarre vintage erotica, and collaborated with Redtail on creating a show, for which I did the introductory event. This all makes only very tenuous sense, but my piece was a musical about a "Corn Star" who dreams of being a "Porn Star". It opens at a Corn Trade show with dancing girls singing a song, "Don't Mess with Bio-Texas" about how great the new genetically engineered corn is. The corn star does great in the performance, but feels unfulfilled. She then sings, "I want to be a porn star" which is is a lament ballad. Then I can't even remember, but somehow she decides to lift her skirt and show her vagina, which was played by my friend Tony.
Anyway, then we got to the real show, which involved erotica which was at least that bizarre.